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June 03, 2011


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I looove these! simply gorgeous!

The moment I saw this necklace, I thought that it would look amazing with my wedding dress. I also laughed a little because it's from the "Cabo" collection, and I'm getting married in Cabo this November! Love, love, love this necklace!

Love that necklace! I'd wear it to a seaside afternoon wedding I'm going to in Connecticut this July. The silver version would look perfect with my blue sundress.

I love Amelia Rose and would totally wear this necklace for my rehearsal dinner! Gorgeous! Thanks so much for the opportunity :-)

What beautiful necklaces! The silver would look amazing with both dresses I have for my bridal shower and rehearsal dinner!

These necklaces are so beautiful and delicate! Perfect to wear with a sundress on my honeymoon in Cabo!

Just started thinking about shopping for my wedding dress and came upon your site. Can't wait to book an appointment -- if the experience is as fun as your website, you might not be able to kick me out. Also love the necklaces!

Oh and I would definitely wear the necklaces when I go on vacation to Aruba with the future in-laws in a month -- and probably many more times!

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