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August 26, 2011


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This paper is beautiful. I would use the thank you notes for my wedding in October. It would be hard to pick who to send them to but my bridesmaids would have to be one!

My parents and future mother/father-in-law would definitely be receiving one of these beautiful thank you notes from me and my future hubby for all their help with our wedding!!

I love Smock paper! Last week I was introduced to their quality papers and custom stationary at an appointment with Annie at HITCHED! I was so impressed with their unlimted options and styling that I will definitely be using Smock for my wedding invitations. If I were to win this Friday Freebie, then the wonderful ladies at Hitched will definitely be getting an adorable Thank You card in the mail from me. They deserve a million Thank You’s for their continued patience, wonderful advice and superb taste as I have turned to them for my wedding dress, bridemaids dresses, and wedding stationary! Thank you Ladies of Hitched, you're the best!

I would send one of these Smockingly beautiful pieces of snail mail to the stunning Ileana - to congratulate her on her engagement and thank her for all her help! I can't wait to return the favor.

I would use them for my daughters.

My new "in laws" would definitley get one of these great creations!!! Unique and love them. Great job Annie!!!!

They're beautiful!

If I won, my lovely sister-in-law, who still appreciates handwritten letters sent by mail, would definitely be getting of that pretty paper from me!

I would have to send one of these gorgeous notecards to my mom, just to say hello and let her know I'm thinking of her. At 27 years old, I'm still her 'baby' - the youngest of her six kids. My mom sends me cards for every holiday (yes, including halloween) and milestone no matter how small. She's the best and I love to return the favor whenever I can.

If I were the winner of this gorgeous fine package of paper candy, I would write to a fellow ABC Member (and former state coordinator). As a newbie to the wedding industry, she has always offered words of wisdom and encouragement as I travel this journey. I am most certain she would adore receiving such a lovely letter.

If I won, I would definitely send one to my wonderful friend and talented graphic designer who has now designed our engagement party invitations, save the dates and wedding invitations for free. She has had to hold our hands in paper selection, colors, design; as my fiance and I aren't very knowledgeable with all the different options. She really captured who we are as a couple. We originally were going to get letterpressed invitations, but a last minute videographer addition squashed those plans, we were both a big disappointed. I bet I could cheer her up with this collection! :)

I would use them to send little notes to my mom thanking her for everything she does for me and my sister!

Love smock and adore their letterpress! They did a fabulous job with my wedding invitations! I would write all the lovely friends and vendors who helped make my wedding so special! Nothing beats a handwritten letterpress note!

Oh my gosh!! I just found out about Smock paper a few weekes ago and have been hyperventilating about getting some of this beautiful paper! Who would receive it? All of my friends! I love having "paper trails". Especially, when the paper is as beautiful as this is! So excited!

Amazing!!! I would send one to my twin sister who is my matron of honor. She lives across the country in Portland, Oregon and we still send letters to one another. I LOVE cards and stationary and these is definitely the best Friday ever!

I love these! I would send them to my out-of-town relatives who are going the extra mile to be at my wedding!

How lovely! I would send one of the thank you notes to a friend who just did a huge favor for me!

Really loving Smock! I'm actually taking a trip up to Syracuse this weekend...maybe they'd let me in to see their factory?? This paper is really gorgeous - I love the melon-pink color! My in-laws have offered to throw us an "Iowa Reception" for their family since we'll have the wedding in DC or Virginia. I'd LOVE to use these for that reception as a way to contribute to that party since my in-laws are taking care of everything else. The first thank you note I'd write would be to them and the rest of the notes would go out to all of my new Iowa family.

I would love to present this paper to my youngest daughter, Katelyn Grace, to be used for her wedding next August. She could use the paper for her wedding invitations and the thank you cards for gifts received. Thank you.

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